Детенизация от Минфина: покупатель получит вознаграждение за жалобу о нарушении продавцом расчетной дисциплины

Детенизация от Минфина: покупатель получит вознаграждение за жалобу о нарушении продавцом расчетной дисциплины

The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine promulgated the draft law "On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine" On the Application of Registrars of Settlement Transactions in the Sphere of Trade, Public Catering and Services ", concerning the de-shadowing of settlements in the sphere of trade and services".

Law Firm “Jurline” lawyer Anastasia Nguyen considered a number of possible “incentive” measures proposed by the draft law in a commentary for the portal pravo.ua

The material can be found at the link:
