Law Firm “Jurline” identified 14 participants of the second round of the Scholarship Competition.

Law Firm “Jurline” identified 14 participants of the second round of the Scholarship Competition.

Many students have participated in our scholarship competition.

The members of Scholarship committee were pleased by good preparation of the participants of competition and that the students along with the acquisition of theoretical knowledge in universities are interested in its practical realisation as well.

The Scholarship committee enclose gratitude to each of the students for participation in the first round of Scholarship competition, for initiative, commitment, and drive for application the received theoretical knowledge on practice. We hope that by virtue of our Scholarship competition you acquired new experience that will help in further practical realisation of knowledge for resolution of various tasks in professional activity.

The work of each student was carefully examined by the members of Scholarship Committee that included the leading lawyers of the Law Firm “Jurline”: Mr. Volodymyr Zubar – Managing Partner, Ms. Svitlana Panova – Associated Partner, Vitaliy Cherkes – Associated Partner, Ryazanov Aleksey – counsel, Inozemtzev Aleksey – counsel.

We wish a good start of legal career to each participant of the first round of Scholarship competition and invite for the further cooperation in the following competitions held by the Law Firm “Jurline”.

Taking into account the fact that we have received a big amount of written works from the participants of competition, which show a high level of knowledge of their authors, the Scholarship Committee have made a decision to increase the quantity of participants of the second round of the Scholarship competition up to 14 people.

We congratulate 14 chosen participants that made it to the second round of the Scholarship competition!