South Ukrainian forum of the Association of advocates of Ukraine
Lawyers of JF «Jurline» took part in the «South Ukrainian forum of the Association of advocates of Ukraine» which took place on July 27-29, 2012 in the National University «Odessa Law Academy». Participants from the different regions of Ukraine made reports within the forum. Advocate of JF «Jurline» Kapelist Maxim made a report on the topic: «The arbitration clause and the governing law in the disputes arising in connection with immersion of a ship». The conflict law rules of Ukraine, Russian Federation, European Union and also certain regulations of English law were analyzed in this report on the basis of practical experience of settlement of the legal disputes which arise under the works contracts and also in consequence of damnification. The possibility of arrest of a debtor`s ship in different jurisdictions was also highlighted depending on the place of adjudgement and applicable law. Summarizing the results of the forum conducted the participants exchanged their views and made practical recommendations on the different aspects of applying of norms of the civil, criminal and commercial law of Ukraine and also forms of international law.