The Law Firm “Jurline” has identified the winners of the Student Scholarship Competition

The Law Firm “Jurline” has identified the winners of the Student Scholarship Competition

Following the results of interviews held with finalists of the 1st round of the Competition, the Scholarship Committee of the Law Firm “Jurline” has identified the winners of the 2nd and final round of the Competition, which was organised for the students of law faculties of Ukrainian universities.

The winners of the Competition will be awarded with scholarships, and will also have a possibility to undertake an internship in the Law Firm “Jurline”.

The members of Scholarship Committee and personnel of the LF “Jurline” sincerely congratulate the winners and express thanks to all participants of the Competition from Kyiv, Odesa, Lviv, Kharkiv, Rivne, Ivano-Frankivsk, cities of Vinnitsa and Zakarpatska regions, and the Republic of Belarus for expressed interest, high level of knowledge, commendable preparation of written works and creativity in solving the tasks.

The award ceremony is to be held on April, 16, 2015 at 16:00 at “Impact Hub Odesa” centre located at: Odesa, Gretska street 1 (entrance from Yuriia Oleshy lane), 3rd floor, conference-hall “Seattle”, tel.: +38 048 738 08 93.